Anderson Family Private Flight Training: $10,000

BC Aviation Council (BCAC) Scholarship Applications open annually on January 15th. Applications must be made using the online form and reach our office no later than midnight April 30th. 

Anderson Family Private Flight Training: $10,000

  • The John Anderson family funds this annual scholarship, awarded in July before other scholarships, to a young aspiring BC pilot and high school student, age 15-19, who is passionate about flying. (PLEASE NOTE: Applicant must be between 15-19 years of age in order to apply.)
  • For fixed or rotary Private Pilot License only.
  • Must show some commitment to training and finishing, such as showing a dedicated interest in aviation, a commitment to complete the program, completed ground school and/or completed a minimum of 10 hours of flight training.
  • Include a recommendation letter from a Transport Canada certified flight school advising on applicant’s potential to complete the program.
  • The application must be supported by a BCAC Supporter member in good standing (either a flight school or an individual).
  • Funds will be paid in two instalments to the flight school upon receipt of invoice.
  • Award recipient will speak at the October Silver Wings Industry and Scholarship Awards Celebration about the path they have taken towards aviation and provide a training update.


Please ensure the nomination application includes all the following. These criteria apply to all scholarships. Any additional requirements for individual awards are listed below the scholarship name.

  • Applications must be made using the online application form below.
  • Applications must be received by midnight on April 30th. Winners will be announced before the end of July. Awards are presented at the annual Silver Wings Scholarship and Industry Awards Celebration in October.
  • Nominees must be BCAC Members – BCAC Student Membership is FREE for any Student so apply today!
  • It is preferable that the nomination is made by a BCAC Member but it’s not required – you can self-nominate in most cases. Many BCAC Members are listed on this website.
  • Each Nominator must attach a signed, detailed narrative summary of the achievements, strengths, and qualifications of the Nominee (approximately 200 – 400 words). Remember, you can self-nominate!
  • A statement from the applicant must also be included indicating why they should receive the award, their reasons for financial assistance, their scholastic and personal achievements, and their goals.
  • High academic standing is required – an academic transcript must be included.
  • All applications for flying scholarships must be accompanied by copies of Transport Canada flight test and written examination results for the licences held (Private and/or Commercial).
  • Applications are accepted from everywhere. However, training must occur in British Columbia, or the Yukon, Canada, unless otherwise noted.
  • International Applicants: If you are not a Canadian Citizen nor Permanent Resident please note that preference is given to candidates who hope to make a contribution to Canadian aviation in their career. This should be addressed in your application.
  • Letters of recommendation from personal contacts are very helpful to include in your application.
  • Incomplete applications will be discarded. Ensure that all required attachments are included. It is shocking how many applications must be ignored because they are incomplete.

TIP: Provide as much information as you can for the Selection Committee – the better your presentation, the more opportunity for success your application will have. Good luck!

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