The Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC) is proud to present the Dave Caddey Memorial Scholarship, supporting students in their choice of a career in aerospace, space and defence sectors.
AIAC is committed to ensuring the long-term success of aerospace in Canada. In establishing this scholarship, AIAC will help Canadian aerospace companies of all sizes to have the resources they need to grow and enhance their competitiveness.
The 2022 Scholarship winner will receive:
- Financial assistance for their post-secondary education
- Travel and hotel expenses paid to attend the Canadian Aerospace Summit (Nov 7-9, 2022) in Ottawa, ON – Canada’s premiere aerospace & defence conference
- Opportunity to attend all sessions and network with aerospace professionals and government officials at Summit 2022
- One-on-one meet and greet with a speaker from the Summit
To be considered for the scholarship, applications
must meet the following criteria:
• Enrolled full- or part-time at a Canadian college or university
• Pursing a program and career in aerospace or space engineering, business/marketing, or aviation/ aerospace maintenance
Submit your application by emailing the information and documents specified in items #1-5 below to Brent Gebuza (bgebuza@aiac.ca).
1). Personal and contact information including; full name, email address, phone number, academic institution, program of study, year of study
2. Official transcript of previous two (2) semesters of secondary or post-secondary classes
3. A short (approximately 750 words) typed essay focusing on the future of the space/aviation/aerospace industry in Canada, and how the applicant sees themselves contributing to that future:
• Think of the following questions: How do you view the future of the Canadian aerospace industry? What
fields, specializations, or new technologies do you think will be prominent? How do you see yourself contributing to this future industry landscape?
4. A brief (no more than one-page) reference letter from a current or past professor, educator, or mentor supporting the applicant’s character and passion for space, aviation, or aerospace:
• The letter should also include the Reference’s contact information and reasoning why the applicant is deserving of receiving the scholarship
5. Proof of enrollment in a Canadian post-secondary institution. One of the following is sufficient:
• Letter of acceptance
• Proof of tuition payment or enrollment document
• Letter from the Office of the Registrar